0.0.15 Release

Why yes, it's been over a year since I updated this. 99% of the work you see here was done last year, but I only just today dusted this off again.

Please note that the game is not in a functional state - enemies have been removed, except for the boss which accidentally gets triggered multiple times. Whoops. That whole part of the game is slated to be redone anyway, which is why I didn't do anything with it. As you can see, most of the work has been on the interface, and experimenting with new things for said interface.

RELEASE v0.0.15

-worked on game speed controls and interface


-fixed most of the current interface issues...hopefully

-added beginnings of game speed controls


-refactoring, primarily on input system

-hotkeys no longer trigger when renaming structures

-fixed shortcut to shoot mode

-broke many more things during refactor


-added button SFX for that clicky goodness

-added volume control for interface sounds

-worked on improving parallax behavior with zooming (not done)

-prevent mouse scrolling when over buttons

-added ability to rename structures (not done)


-fixed GUI distortion by forcing restart after aspect ratio changes

-added parallax background & foreground

-improved camera (slower map scrolling when zoomed in)


-revised building preview to snap to grid, probably should redo

-fixed enemy indicators appearing when inside of view

-bemoaned the horrendous spaghetti game jam code

-added selection mode

-added names for domes (placeholder)

-broke shortcut to switch to shoot mode


-improved scaling of building previews

-improved camera (RTS style, WASD movement, zoom to cursor)

-made world even bigger!

-temporarily disabled all threats

-decreased trigger distance for Danger Close warning


-added camera shake and option to enable/disable

-camera is now free moving

-fixed crash on exactly 2000 points

-made world bigger, added starfield at "edge of atmosphere"


Colony_Command_v0.0.15.exe 13 MB
Jan 24, 2022

Get Colony Command

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